
Building New Features to Support Users' DevOps Processes

Building New Features to Support Users' DevOps Processes

Building New Features to Support Users' DevOps Processes

Building New Features to Support Users' DevOps Processes

Codegiant is a platform that aims to remove friction from the development process and streamline the developer experience. We are constantly building new features to help users fulfill their DevOps processes in one simple experience.

Codegiant is a platform that aims to remove friction from the development process and streamline the developer experience. We are constantly building new features to help users fulfill their DevOps processes in one simple experience.

Codegiant is a platform that aims to remove friction from the development process and streamline the developer experience. We are constantly building new features to help users fulfill their DevOps processes in one simple experience.

Codegiant is a platform that aims to remove friction from the development process and streamline the developer experience. We are constantly building new features to help users fulfill their DevOps processes in one simple experience.

The Challenge

The user experiences of different features on the platform are very diverse. This posed a challenge in making the user experience of the new Serverless feature consistent with other existing features.

Here are some benefits of the Serverless feature for users:

  • Reduced operational costs in a serverless model because developers can pay for cloud-based compute time as needed, instead of running and managing their own servers all the time.

  • Developers have more time to focus on their apps by offloading the routine tasks of provisioning and managing servers.

  • It helps enable DevOps adoption by reducing the need for developers to explicitly describe the infrastructure they need to provision.

How did I help?

As a product designer, I was responsible for the design of the Serverless feature. I conducted research and gained a solid understanding of the technical aspects of the feature. I then worked with the team to create the scope of the feature.

I worked as part of an agile team, where I was the only designer. We operated in two-week sprints and had daily scrums to identify any design flaws or technical issues.

The design needed to be presented in a short period of time, so the hand-off process was always abrupt. Multiple iterations were expected after the UIs were in the development process. There was a lot of overlap between designing and developing, so the faster and more precise the iterations, the smoother the development process.

The Solution

The product's goal is to simplify complex actions in the development process. To make the new experience consistent, the design needed to be as minimal and clean as possible.

I applied the design system to the new feature, defining and applying page hierarchy to make the design consistent and accessible. I also avoided action overload by keeping only the two most important actions as the main and secondary CTAs.

The Results

As a rapidly growing startup, we wanted to deliver as many accessible and high-quality features as possible. The Serverless feature allows users to write and run Functions-as-a-service with zero configuration. They can also view metrics and test in the serverless workflows.

The Serverless feature is a valuable addition to Codegiant. It provides users with a powerful and efficient way to run code without the hassle of managing servers. The design of the feature is consistent with other existing features on the platform, making it easy to use and understand.

I am proud of the work I did on this project. I believe that the Serverless feature is a valuable asset to Codegiant and will help us to continue to provide our users with the best possible experience.

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I specialize in translating complex concepts into intuitive and visually appealing designs.

© Built by Jesse Ye

© Built by Jesse Ye

© Built by Jesse Ye

© Built by Jesse Ye